ChatGPT Data Analysis

Chat with your own data!

It is indeed now possible to chat with your own data, whether it's financial information, transactions, process data, text, etc.

Is de kwaliteit van uw data nog niet op orde dan kan ChatGPT helpen de data te verbeteren waar nodig. Is de data te gevoelig om in ChatGPT Plus in te lezen dan raden wij aan data vooraf door ons te annonimseren.

For this purpose, we utilize the ChatGPT Plus plugin 'Advanced Data Analysis' (ADA), which is a feature within GPT-4 that allows users to upload data directly to ChatGPT for writing and testing code. This feature is exclusively available for premium (paid) accounts.

ADA was previously known as 'Code Interpreter' and was made available to all ChatGPT Plus users in July 2023. There appears to be no difference between ADA and Code Interpreter, except for the name change. With this plugin, organizations can perform tasks such as data analysis by running computer code in response to commands given in plain language.

If you would like to learn more about this option or if you want to chat with your own data, please feel free to contact us. We would be happy to assist you further.